Guides, booklets and toolkits


Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission. (2017). Guideline: Trans and gender diverse inclusion in sport > Complying with the Equal Opportunity Act 2010. Carlton: VEOHRC.


GLSEN. (2017). Transgender inclusion in high school athletics.

Griffin, P., & Carroll, H. J. (2010). On the team: Equal opportunity for transgender student athletes. National Center for Lesbian Rights, Women’s Sports Foundation, and It Takes a Team!

Griffin, P., & Carroll, H. (2011). NCAA inclusion of transgender student-athletes. NCAA.

Griffin, C., & Taylor, H. Champions of respect: Inclusion of LGBTQ student-athletes and staff in NCAA programs.

LGBT Sports Foundation. ‘All 50’: The transgender-inclusive high school sports and activities policy and education project: Proposed model high school policy.

NCAA. Five ways to have an LGBTQ-inclusive athletics department.

Spandler, H., Erikainen, S., Hopkins, A., Caudwell, J., Newman, H., & Whitehouse, L. (2020). Non-binary inclusion in sport.

Sports England. (2021). Non-binary people, sports, and physical activity.

Trans Inclusion in Sport Expert Working Group. (2016). Creating inclusive environments for trans participants in Canadian sport: Guidance for sport organizations. The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport.