Training materials

Online training


An Introduction to Working With Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients – SHINE (Oliver Keane and Zac Cannell). To access the recording you need to sign up for a free account with SHINE via the link.

Caring for gender non-conforming young people – Gender Identity Research and Education Society (GIRES)

Gender diversity – Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW)

Health across the gender spectrum – Maya Adam (Stanford University)

Primary healthcare for trans, gender diverse, and non-binary people – Dr Ruth McNair

Transgender health – Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW)


Foundations for psychological practice with transgender & gender nonconforming (TGNC) clients – American Psychological Association (lore m. dickey and Anneliese A. Singh)

Affirmative counseling with transgender and gender diverse clients – American Psychological Society (lore m. dickey and Anneliese A. Singh)



Barriers to healthcare experienced by trans young people – Network MindOUT Webinar, National LGBTI Health Alliance (Penelope Strauss)

Caring for young people experiencing gender dysphoria – The Mental Health Professionals’ Network (MHPN) (facilitated by Damien Riggs)

A critical development approach to working with transgender and non-binary young people – Network MindOUT Webinar, National LGBTI Health Alliance (Damien Riggs)

Making room for gender diversity in school health services and sex education – School-based Health Alliance (Becca Mui and Kim Westheimer)

Working with gender diverse young people and their families – Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) (Louise Cooper and Ari Dunphy)

Working with transgender young people: A critical developmental approach – Monash University (Damien Riggs)


Understanding diversity amongst transgender young people (Event number: 19234) – Australian Psychological Society (APS) (Damien Riggs)

Affirming approaches and their benefits when working with transgender young people (Event number: 19235) – Australian Psychological Society (APS) (Damien Riggs)